Media Partners

We manage the international network of local consultants, experts and freelancers from life science industries. Regional market size is about 500 million citizens.

Paper Crowd is a free, community-driven, directory of academic conferences. Organizers use Paper Crowd to find new researchers for their event. Researchers use Paper Crowd to find new conferences they wish to attend. We built Paper Crowd to fix the Call for Papers problem. Every chair who runs an academic conference email a Call for Papers to promote the conference. The chair gathers a ton of email addresses from faculty, committee members, previous attendees etc. into a single list and sends a mass email. This has 2 major flaws: Researcher’s inboxes are flooded with unsolicited emails for conferences they are not interested in. (e.g., we know one chair who sent over 28,000 emails and got just 120 abstracts)

SpinGo is an event planning software that helps you manage tickets, vendors, and volunteers. Start selling tickets today!

We are a forward-thinking video production company. We have been in media for 20+ years, in the MENA market for 5+ years and in the APAC market for 2+ years. We are one-stop solution for all your video production needs - from working on the brief together to delivering the final product, and all in between. And this exactly is how we serve our biggest clients: Microsoft (in Europe, GCC and APAC region), Huawei, LG government clients in Dubai, Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai Electricity And Water Authority, EMPOWER, along with some other Hospitality, Educational and Medical clients.

KindCongress lists scientific conferences from all over the world keeping professional conference organizers (PCO), speakers and attendees up to date with the latest conferences from a wide range of sciences. Conferences register to be seen by potential attendees and speakers. And speakers can register to get invited by conferences. 

KC can help as a media partner to organize workshops, conferences, seminar and any scientific event in any field for you and on your behalf in Iran. We offer to schedule, transferring, hotel reservation and printing services and everything needed for scientific events. KindCongress lists scientific conferences from all over the world keeping professional conference organizers (PCO), speakers and attendees up to date with the latest conferences from a wide range of sciences. Conferences register to be seen by potential attendees and speakers. And speakers can register to get invited by conferences.

Eventful's unique, social media platform, Demand it! ® empowers fans to influence content and the location of entertainment and live events. Over 500,000 musicians, comedians, film-makers and others use Demand it! to determine where to appear based upon where their fans have demanded them. Eventful works closely with partners in the entertainment and music industries to design and execute high impact online, email, mobile and social media marketing campaigns which drive ticket sales, attendance and tune-in for local events, movies, concerts, live entertainment and broadcast programming.

MEDizzy is the world’s fastest growing medical learning community. Together with our network of partners we educate over 10 million now and future healthcare professionals.

We provide an innovative technology designed to enable quick and easy access to the latest medical knowledge. We offer unique medical learning experience appreciated by HCPs from over 120 countries.