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Afaf Benhouda

Afaf Benhouda

University of Batna, Algeria

Title: Evaluation of hepatoprotective and anti-peritonitis activities of methanolic extract of Umbilicus rupestris L. in vivo.


Biography: Afaf Benhouda


The present study is to evaluate the protective effect of methanolic extract of the leaves of the plant Umbilicus rupestris against hepatotoxicity induced by the ethanol and also to evaluate th inflammation induced by the carrageenan. In heptoprotective activity, five groups of 4 rats were treated respectively with distilled water, absolute ethanol ,URMeOH (100 mg / Kg b.w.), URMeOH (200 mg / Kg b.w.) and quercetin used as the reference standard, these treatments were administered orally 30 minutes before the administration of absolute ethanol for 14 days. The results showed that administration of EtOH increased significativeley the level of biochemical parameters TGO, TGP, ALP and BTof pathologic control but the effect of the extract shows that the oral adminstration of (100 and 200 mg / Kg) and quercetin caused a significant decrease (p≤0.05) of these parameters. For anti-inflammatory activity, Wistar rats were divided into four groups of four rats. The extract was administered orally with doses (100 and 200 mg/ kg b.w) and indomethacin (50 mg / kg) then the Carrageenan (2%) was injected intraperitoneally1 hour later.The protective effect of the extract was evaluated by measuring the number of leukocytes recruited into the peritoneal cavity.The pretreatment with the extract(100 and 200mg /kg b.w.) decreased significantly the number of leukocytes (P≤0.05) compared to the control group.