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Pawan Saharan

Pawan Saharan

Founder CEO Biomix Network Inc. USA & Biomix Network Limited
Biomix Network Inc. USA & Biomix Network Limite


Dr. Pawan Saharan, with a vision to provide Health for all, Invented World’s 1st Immunity Enhancement Drug to treat HIV and host of other Immunity problems via Broad Spectrum Antiviral and New Generation Immuno-modulator- RECEPTOL®. Prestigious Who’s Who American Historical Society (Boston) nominated Dr. Saharan as a World.Leader in healthcare industry responsible for changing the destiny of nations & human race via the creative contribution in the healthcare sector via Receptol that builds body’s own immune system, providing hope to most disenchanted terminally ill patients globally. He has global experience in running healthcare industry, including the Pharmaceuticals MNCs and hospitals at the top management level in India & USA.He created the first truly Nano-Bio-IT Helix via inventing Radha 108 Nano-Peptides for AIDS therapy : RECEPTOL® along with reusable micro-chip diagnostics for AIDS, Cancer, TB and other infections, costing a fraction of current tests creating a paradigm shift in healthcare & bringing smile on Billion Faces who could not afford modern treatment.Late Dr. Abdul Kalam, former President of India, nominated Dr. Saharan for India’s new drug discovery with a funding of Rs 120MM (US$ 3MM), by Dept of Science & technology, Govt. of India.He has a Ph.D. Major in Medicine West Virginia Medical Center, USA & topped First Rate Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi while pursuing Master in Life Sciences and has several International Publications / Presentations including in Top Scientific Journal_ Nature. He has organized several global conferences and lead the Global Impact of Nanobiotechnology in Healthcare. Canadian and UK Govt. invited Dr. Saharan as the state guest in recognition for his contribution to healthcare and technological alliances between North America and India via Canada India. Business Council. UK Prime Minister invited Dr. Saharan in March, 2011 as a key note speaker at the UK India. Business Council for the key note address on affordable health care. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington DC nominated him for the best US Graduate Student Scientist Award.

Research Interest

Dr. Saharan created the first truly Nano-Bio-IT Helix via inventing Radha 108 Nano-Peptides for AIDS therapy : RECEPTOL® along with reusable micro-chip diagnostics for AIDS, Cancer, TB and other infections, costing a fraction of current tests creating a paradigm shift in healthcare & bringing smile on Billion Faces who could not afford modern treatment.