Luisa Fiandra
Luigi Sacco University Hospital, Italy
Luisa, after a long post-doctoral experience at the University of Milan in the field of transport physiology with a specific competence in permeability processes through intact epithelia and cellular membranes, Dr.Fiandrais nowresearcher in L. Sacco University Hospital of Milan. Her present field of interest is the study of the delivery of nanoformulated in animal models for future application in breast cancer oncology and HIV treatment.From 2010, as scientific coordinator of the NanoMeDia Project, funded by RegioneLombardia (Italy), Dr.Fiandra coordinates the research activity of the Nanomedicine Laboratory of L. Sacco University Hospital, the NanoBioLab of the Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences (University of Milan-Bicocca) and the Center of Electron Microscopy for Nanotechnologies Appllied to Medicine of the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco (University of Milan).
Abstract : Delivery of nanoformulated Antiretroviral drugs across the blood brain barrier