Costas Kiparissides
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Costas Kiparissides is a full time Professor of Chemical Engineering Department (AUTH) since 1981. He was Director of CPERI (2001-2006) and CERTH (2005-2010). He received his diploma in Chemical Engineering from NTUA (1971) and his Ph.D. from McMaster University (1978). He has supervised more than fifty Ph.D. students, 160 diploma theses and has presented more than 300 invited seminars and lectures. He has published 210 papers in refereed journals, 430 conference papers and 24 books and reports. His research interests include advanced multi-scale modeling of chemical and biological systems, functional materials, drug delivery systems, and microbial production of functional biopolymers.
Abstract : Mucus permeating nanocarriers for the oral delivery of biomolecules
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